Scott Speaks! 
Table of Contents 
Current Newsletter 
The Class of '78 
Down Memory Lane 
Reunion Info 
Guest Book
• A letter to my classmates • 
Dear Friend, 

Today is a very happy day for me because  
I have finally made it through 12 years  
of school. But, at the same time it is  
also a very sad day because we will be   
going our separate ways.  

When I look back and remember my  
high school years, I will have many   
fond memories, mainly because of you.  
Through all the years, good and bad,  
you have been by my side and I never  
seemed to really show you how much  
you mean to me. Maybe I took you for  
granted knowing that you would be  
here every weekday at 8:00 sharp.  
But now I realize how lucky I was to   
have a friend like you.  

High school years are filled with many  
ups and downs. You helped make my  
ups happier and my downs easier to  
live with. No matter what the situation,  
you were always on my side and never  
turned against me.  

All during our school years we talked  
about how excited we were to graduate.  
Now that it's here I wish we had a little  
more time to be together.  

We must go out into that big world  
and meet it head on. We will have  
little time for each other, but all that  
we've been through will always be plan-  
ted in my head. A part of you is a  
part of me and you've helped to make  
me what I am today.  

Remember: Friends are forever or  
they were never really friends in the  
first place. Also remember that I love  

-Scott Osborne
Knob Noster High School